Ameritex Concrete Products
AmeriTex is a Texas manufacturer of concrete pipe solutions for storm drain infrastructure. Not only are their employees giant, steak-fed, industrial cowboys but their commitment to infrastructure, employees, and community are second to none. They run a farm that their employees participate in and benefit from, they have a food truck that regularly attends construction sites to feed workers (not their employees) and they support and invest in the communities they help build.
We created various attention getting concepts to target civil engineers and those that worked in infrastructure. Ameritex is known in the industry for their big hearts and go big or go home attitude. When you are dealing with products that weight 20,000 lbs. You have tower above your competition.
When the owner of ameritex is 6’7” 270lbs and every employee looks down on the average man in their size 13 boots the only solution for a kick-a$$ brand campaign is to go larger than life.
Our project had two goals. first was to create brand awarness. the second was to fill up ameritex’s marketing automation database.
The first objective to was unleash our giant across social promoting ameritex’s manifesto. the most engaged users were then retargeted through a t-shirt campaign to win custom designed t-shirts.